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National Teacher Institute (NTI) Mission:

To convene a diverse group of educators committed to conquering the challenges of change together

What is the NABSE National Teacher Institute?

The National Teacher Institute is professional development for practicing teachers that will:

  • Reaffirm the dignity of teaching as a profession.
  • Explore techniques to address social-emotional realities for students and teachers.
  • Enhance cross-cultural communication among staff members and between staff and
    students, staff, and parents.
  • Explore instructional strategies designed to impact learning loss.
  • Utilize self-reflection as a tool to empower performance.
  • Design a lesson/unit/project incorporating NTI learning.

What should participants expect to gain from NTI?

Teachers will be renewed, empowered, and confident that their commitment to students will pay dividends in the future.

 WHO should attend?

Individual educators and/or teams who teach children of color are encouraged to participate. Diversity is welcomed and desirable.

What forms of payment will be accepted?

The forms of payment accepted are Credit and Debit Cards, as well as Purchase Orders.


Will CEU credit be offered for completion of NTI course work?

Each participant will receive a certificate for 25 contact hours.

Registration And Accommodations

Registration: Limited to 100

Cost: $799/person

Hotel Accommodations:

Atlanta Airport Marriott
4711 Best Road
Atlanta, GA 30337

Room Block & Parking Rates
*Sunday, June 22-26, 2025
*Special Room Rate - $159 per night plus tax
*Room, tax, and incidental charges are each individual's responsibility.
*Please be prepared. Your credit card will be charged $100/day for incidentals.

Deadline to book rooms: 

         Monday, May 26, 2025

*Self-Parking - $32 Daily
*Valet-Parking - $38 Daily

Registration Guidelines

Purchase Orders

Note: If using a purchase order, the following must be provided:

*Attendees name
*Accounts Payable contact person's name
*Accounts Payable contact email address
*Accounts Payable contact person's contact phone number
*Purchase order number

For additional information contact: info@nabse.org


Cancellation requests must be received in writing by April 15, 2025, to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued for cancellation requests received after April 15, 2025. There will be a $50 fee for cancellations and/or transfer of register names.

NABSE National Teacher Institute Registration Form