Gina Zenor-Hagan
I am Gina Zenor-Hagan, and I desire to serve as the National Alliance of Black School Educators Parent Commission Secretary. I am a lifetime member of Nabse, Tabse- Texas Alliance of Black School Educators and a 17-year member of my local affiliate, Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators. I am truly excited to be a part of the work of Nabse and I am whole heartedly committed to the mission of Nabse which is the devotion to the furtherance of academic success for our nation’s children with emphasis on children of African descent.
We are now living in a time where the doors of many of our freedoms are starting to be close before our very eyes. We have fought for over fifty years for equitable education, and we must not allow those doors to close on our children. The National Alliance of Black School Educators, for 52 years, has been at the forefront of advocating for equitable education, and this is why I am so inspired to be a part of this premier organization.
For the past five years, I have worked with the Nabse Parent Commission in which our mission is aligned to Nabse, the devotion in supporting parents in the furtherance of their child’s academic success. Nabse Parent Commission, through our Parent Summits and Parent webinars have given our parents the encouragement, support, and a voice in navigating through their child’s academic career. And because of this, my desire is to give my time and talent to the office of Nabse Parent Commission Secretary.
I have previously worked as the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators Parent Commission Secretary and have used my managerial skills in recording, documenting, and keeping up with important minutes, records, and state conference planning for the commission. I possess a strong work ethic in keeping up with details and managing schedules. I am also a great communicator and listener to all people of all ages. These are skills that are important in the work of supporting our parents. I solicit your support and your vote for Nabse Parent Commission Secretary.